Tuesday, 16 January 2018

The Rookie Cop

New caption! I loved making this caption and have somewhat of a squeal for this caption series.But for now the story is over, but if you guys like this caption i can write some more on this..would love to see your feedback, thanks

The birthday Conundrum

I suppose this is not a post you should be expecting, I am just trying to figure something out. And I hope you guys can help me.
Ok so first off I guess I need to tell you some basic stuff, I am a quite an introvert in my life and have never liked being in public places ever. I guess some problems are because of me being a crossdresser and not feeling good in my own body adds to these troubles. Like every other person I too have a fear of people judging me, yes it is to a next level but I guess I can’t help that.
So yesterday I had my birthday. Being an introvert I have never like being in the light and having a birthday is like having the lighthouse point at you in the darkest night.
My parents at least my father loves to go out and have a fun time. And I always admire him for that. But that’s where the problem lies too. My father although now is go with me not having a birthday party an more still wants me to go out with them to a restaurant (which I really really despise).
We always end up having an argument about going to a freaking restaurant!!! I really hate myself for not going as I know that the pros of going to the restaurant and eating the freshly made food is much better than having it packed and bought home.

So now whatever the case maybe I always end up being miserable. I am here to get advice from you guys now, what do I do… one thing is for sure the self-loathing is not going away for sure .

Comment down below.. 

Tuesday, 2 January 2018


OK so there are two captions today..both are based on a dream, although they share almost the same theme they are not related at all, in fact one was created a long time ago even.
so enjoy